
Natural beauty is indispensable. Every woman's dream is to enjoy this natural, unpretentious and non-artificial beauty. However, due to many factors, wrinkles, sagging and facial lines begin to crawl on the skin, giving them older features and cancelling the contours of freshness and radiance.
Aesthetic medicine excellence appears in showing the beauty of the woman and demonstrating it without affectation.
Hence comes the importance of injecting Botox, which contains a lot of details that we will enumerate to you now.

What causes skin wrinkles?
Skin wrinkles usually appear with age, but there are some factors that speed up the appearance of these wrinkles and lines on the skin, including:
1-Frequent exposure to sunlight.
2-Lack of sleep and stress.
3-Exaggerated expression using muscles of the face whether extreme laughing or crying too much.

What are Botox injections?
Botox is a proteolytic substance called botulinum produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.
This material relaxes the muscles of the face and prevents their contraction by stopping the transmission of nerve signals to them.
These muscles are responsible for the formation of wrinkles and facial lines and thus Botox prevents the appearance of wrinkles and facial lines to enjoy a clear and calm skin.

Other uses of Botox:
Botox has been used in medicine for many years in the treatment of a lot of cases and has become an essential part of Aesthetic medicine and no substitute for it to any plastic surgeon. Some other uses of Botox:
1-Treatment of migraine headaches.
2-Treatment of excessive underarm sweating and hands that may result from excess activity of the thyroid gland.
3-Treatment of some cases of involuntary contraction of the facial muscles in children, which are congenital defects that the children born with it. And the Botox works on the relaxation of these muscles and thus helps the growth of children and enjoying their normal life.
4-Treatment of Eyelid spasm.

What are the areas that can be injected with Botox?
Botox is suitable for the injection in many areas in the face such as:
1-Front for the treatment of horizontal lines.
2-Between the eyes to treat vertical expressive lines.
3-Around the eyes to treat lines and wrinkles around the eye.
4-Around the nose.
5-In the cheek area and around the mouth.

Is Botox injections suitable for me?
Botox injections is suitable for you if you:
1-Suffer from simple or moderate wrinkles and sagging in the face.
2-Do not suffer from diseases related to the muscles of the body such as Mythenia Gravis.
3-Do not suffer from an organic disease that causes continuous bleeding.
4-Non-smoker or intend to quit smoking before injection.

Before Botox injection:
1-The surgeon must discuss with you if the injection of Botox is suitable for you or not.
2-Identification of the areas to be injected.
3-You must stop smoking for its harmful effect on the procedure.
4-You must stop some medications that may affect blood viscosity such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Botox is also a preventive treatment:
Scientific studies, international medical conferences and the experience of plastic surgeons have proven that Botox is also used as a preventive treatment. It is injected into the young age ladies in a few doses before the onset of wrinkles or before its deepening in the skin, so as to avoid the firmness of lines in the skin then the treatment becomes very difficult.

Botox injections with plastic surgeon only:
These days have spread the fashion of Botox and filler injections in places that are not under any medical supervision such as beauty salons, which poses a great risk to health and skin as cosmetic doctors are the only ones allowed to perform aesthetic injections to protect the health of patients.

What are the reasons for Botox injection failure?
You may see a photo of a case that has subjected for Botox injections in one of the unreliable places and a failure of injection has occured that caused an unacceptable appearance at all.
This failure comes as a result of two reasons:
1-Lack of experience of the physician in injecting Botox.
2-The lack of quality of the injected substance, the lack of active substance and the presence of impurities, which may cause some allergic reactions.

Tagmeel Clinic is one of the leading centers in Egypt and the Arab world in various Aesthetic procedures. Where expert physicians are the one who inject Botox with the highest level of competence and experience, using high quality materials, pure and efficient.

How is Botox injected?
1-The area to be treated locally is anesthetized using a topical cream.
2-The doctor will inject Botox through very thin needles in the facial muscles.
3-The result is immediate after injection, but it is more pronounced after the swelling subsides within 3 days.

What is the validity period of BOTOX®?
Botox lasts on the skin for 3-6 months, after which the body absorbs it. The patient may need to be re-inject it to maintain the results.

Is there a certain age for Botox injections?
Fortunately, there is no certain age to inject Botox, it can be injected at any age after the doctor's assessment. Studies have even proved the possibility of injecting small amounts at an early age to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.

What is after Botox injection:
-The procedure of Botox is simple and painless, but mild analgesics can be used in case of pain.
-Avoid scratching or pressing the injected areas to avoid the spread of Botox outside the area to be treated.
-Avoid bending or violent movement in the first days after the injection.
-Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for long periods.

Will my face become factitious after injecting Botox?
This rumour is widespread and it is far from health, and it has spread as we mentioned earlier as a result of defects of non-medical centers in injecting Botox.
We would like to make clear that the success of Botox injections depends on several criteria:
1-The experience and efficiency of the surgeon, which is the most important factor.
2-The quality of the injected material.
3-Accurate selection of the appropriate quantity of Botox for injection and the right place.

Botox is suitable for the treatment of all kinds of wrinkles... Wrong information:
Botox is not suitable for the treatment of all types of wrinkles as it is suitable for simple and moderate grades only. Advanced sagging degrees have no substitute for face-lift surgery.

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