Home Non Surgical Services Body contouring by J-Plasma

Body contouring by J-Plasma

Body Contouring by J-Plasma:
Body sculpting and contouring without surgery... This is a short concept of body contouring J-plasma technique or ionic tensile as it is called. What does a woman who suffers from sagging need more than a perfect body without surgery?
Many women dream of a svelte sculpted texture that is devoid of sagging but are reluctant to take a step to sculpt the body for fear of surgery.
Now, within 45 minutes, you can easily get rid of annoying sagging and reach a sculpted body without surgical intervention... Only by J-plasma.

What is J-plasma or ionic tensile body contouring technique?
It is the latest technology in the cosmetic world for body contouring, where helium fluid and frequency waves are used through a dedicated sensor. This probe is moved under the skin in the areas that need to5 be lifted and sculpted, reducing the size of the skin and therefore lifting it.

What areas can be sculpted by J-plasma?
Fortunately, most of the body's areas can be sculpted by J-plasma and got rid of the annoying sagging.
These areas include:
-Arms: It is the most common use of J-plasma, Where sagging of the arms causes a lot of distress and discomfort especially in the selection of clothes. The surgery sometimes leaves a scar, so J-plasma technology is the perfect solution to get rid of the arms sagging and without side effects.
-Abdomen: It is one of the most fat-accumulating areas in the body. Many suffer from weak abdominal muscles, which causes the appearance of sagging that can be easily lifted by J-plasma.
-The hips.
-Neck: Where the neck sagging occurs, it causes undesired look. As the fat accumulates, causing the appearance of a double chin.

Liposuction with J-plasma body contouring?
In the case of fat accumulation in areas of the body, a vaser liposuction can be performed before body contouring and lifting by J-plasma for optimum results.

What are the cases that are suitable for the use of J-plasma technology for body contouring?
1-Mild and moderate sagging conditions.
2-The sagging resulting from the severe weight loss after bariatric operations.
3-Sagging after pregnancy and childbirth.
4-After liposuction procedure, which sometimes results in sagging skin.

6 Benefits of J-plasma body contouring:
1-Ability to tighten many areas of the body.
2-Painless technique.
3-An immediate result appearing within the same procedure.
4-Treating the problem of annoying cellulite.
5-Rejuvenates the skin and gives it freshness and vitality as a result of stimulating the production of collagen, protein responsible for the softness, freshness and elasticity of the skin.
6-Done under the influence of local anesthesia.

Is J-plasma technology safe?
The plasma technology is completely safe, with the use of cold helium fluid and frequency waves at precise doses. It is also certified by the World Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA).

Is body contouring by J-plasma, painful?
The answer is No. Cold helium liquid is used with the frequency waves, which creates cooling effect for treated areas and avoids pain.

How is J-plasma technology done?
1-The patient is subjected to the local anesthesia.
2-The surgeon shall make very small openings not exceeding a few millimetres to insert the plasma probe through them.
3-Releasing the helium fluid and the frequency waves through the probe, to tighten the areas needed to be treated.
4-Some swelling and redness may appear in the first days after the procedure. They are normal symptoms that subsides within days.

J-plasma... An immediate result:
The marvellous in J-plasma technology in body contouring is in showing the results immediately after the procedure inside the operating room. Many other body contouring techniques take some time to get the result.

When is the J-plasma technology for body contouring, not suitable?
The J-plasma technology is not suitable for body contouring for violent or severe sagging. The technology will not produce satisfactory results and there is no substitute for these cases for lifting the skin with surgery.

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