Home Non Surgical Services Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal:
Excessive body hair is a particularly embarrassing problem for women.
Nowadays, there are no excess time or effort to spend on removing excess hair by traditional ways.
Often the traditional methods of removing excess hair such as shaving, plucking, wax, electric hair removal machine and others means wasting the time and effort of the lady useless, as hair regrows again after a very short period. Also, it grows more profusely and some methods make it grow more coarsely.

Laser hair removal has become the perfect alternative to traditional methods. It provides a definitive solution to the body's excess hair. Laser influences the growth of hair follicles from their roots, weakening them and reducing their growth. This makes them grow at very divergent intervals and the lady does not need to remove it again and again.
In this article, we will learn about the causes of excess hair growth, the importance of excess hair removal technology and the many tips and details of laser hair removal procedure.

Causes of excess hair growth in the body:
1-Hereditary causes.
2-Pathological causes due to disruption in thyroid activity.
3-Hormonal changes such as the case of polycystic ovaries which cause intense hair growth in many places in the body.
4-Intake of some medications that cause excessive hair growth as a side effect, such as some hair vitamins and some cortisone medications.

10 Laser Hair Removal Benefits:
1-A non-painful technique, especially in Tagmeel clinic, As we use Diode device, a German device with a cooling effect to avoid pain.
2-Laser hair removal hinders the growth of hair follicles, there is no need to remove hair every short period. It is a definitive solution to the problem of excess hair.
3-Leaves your skin soft and shiny unlike the traditional methods of hair removal that leave the skin very rough.
4-Traditional methods are very difficult in the summer while laser is easy to perform at all times.
5-Laser Hair removal reaches the most delicate places in the body, which are never reached by traditional methods.
6-very suitable for those who suffer from the density and abundance of hair in the body which is very difficult to remove by traditional ways.
7-Provides a solution to the problem of hair under the skin.
8-Easy technology for all areas of the body even sensitive areas.
9-Does not leave any spots or discoloration such as those accompanying traditional methods.
10-Saves a lot of effort and time after committing to a certain number of sessions, hair does not grow again. You just need a session every long periods.

Get ready for Laser hair removal sessions:
Here are some tips from Tagmeel clinic that help you before you start laser hair removal sessions to achieve the best results and without side effects:
1-The doctor must discuss with you, the areas that can be treated by laser and if the procedure is useful in your case or not.
2-If you suffer from any organic disease or hormonal disorders that cause the growth of excess hair, it must be treated first.
3-Avoid direct exposure to sunlight during laser treatment as it affects the efficacy of treatment.
4-Avoid using traditional methods of hair removal such as wax and plucking, at least six weeks before the procedure. Just use the razor blades before the session.
5-Avoid using perfumes and deodorant before the session with a few days.

How are laser hair removal sessions performed?
1-A topical cream shall be applied on the area to be treated.
2-You will Wear special glasses for the procedure.
3-The wavelength of the laser rays and its duration is adjusted according to the skin type and color.
4-The laser is directed on the skin.
5-After finishing the procedure, You should apply anti-inflammatory cream to avoid redness and inflammation.

Recommendations after laser hair removal sessions:
1-Avoid direct exposure to sunlight after the procedure.
2-Avoid putting makeup after the procedure and for two days.
3-Avoid putting perfume and deodorant for two days after the procedure.
4-Do not remove any residue of hair in traditional ways as it will fall within days.

Complications of laser hair removal:
When choosing a reliable cosmetic center, these complications do not occur. However, in case of wrong choice, some of these complications may occur due to doctor's inexperience or poor hair removal devices. it includes:
-Skin irritation and redness.
-Inflammation of the skin or eye.
-Peeling of the skin and changing its color.
-Skin infection.

Is laser hair removal a safe method?
Yes, scientific studies have proven that laser hair removal is a completely safe method. Laser rays do not reach the inside of the body, they do not affect the DNA of the cells and therefore do not affect the organs and functions of the body.
Only it causes an external effect on the hair follicles.

Does laser hair removal cause pain?
The answer is No. A topical anesthetic cream is applied before the procedure on the area to be treated. The procedure also accompanies a cooling device to prevent any pain. However, it is normal to feel some possible mild tingling during the procedure.

Laser hair removal in Tagmeel clinic:
In Tagmeel clinic, We use a German diode device for laser hair removal with a dynamic cooling device. The procedure is also performed by a selection of doctors trained in hair removal technology in order to avoid any complications.
It is also suitable for hair removal for both dark and light hair.

What is the cost of laser hair removal?
The cost varies depending on the area you want to treat, the type of device used and the number of sessions required.

How many sessions are required for laser hair removal?
You will often need 6-8 sessions depending on the area you want to treat and the body's hair density. With a preferable one month interval.

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