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Fractional laser

What is Fractional laser?
Laser... A revolution in the world of medicine, the laser has revolutionised the field of medicine in general and Aesthetic medicine in particular. In less time, less complications, higher protection and excellent results, it is possible to get the required procedure with ease by laser.
Laser is also used in various fields of medicine in many uses, the most important of which is the cutting of tissues with less blood loss, without side effects and scars.

Fractional laser is one of the most important and most updated Aesthetic laser technologies. It is a certain wavelength of laser rays, which is applied on the skin in the areas to be treated to make a dazzling difference.

How does Fractional laser work?
As we all know, the skin consists of layers above each other. These layers consist of cells constantly producing collagen and elastin responsible for freshness, cohesion, elasticity and vitality of the skin.
Do you know why infants and babies enjoy a youthful and elastic skin?
The answer is the presence of collagen and elastin in large amounts in the skin. Unfortunately, with the passage of time and age, there is a lack of skin cell production for these proteins that are responsible for beauty and freshness of the skin. Thus, skin defects appear and are less beautiful and radiant.

The laser comes to bring back time and restores our skin to be like that of baby skin. With a certain thermal frequency, these rays stimulate the skin cells to produce collagen again, dispose damaged skin layers and build new, vibrant and youthful one.

What distinguishes the Fractional laser?
Some of the types of laser used in Aesthetic medicine, causes a lot of redness and swelling of the skin as a result of being directed on the outer layer of the skin leaving an unpleasant traces on the skin.
But the Fractional laser has some thermal points only on the outer skin layer, radiating from it to the middle layer of the skin to produce the desired results. Without affecting the surrounding tissues and skin. So the effect is concentrated and the results are great and without side effects.

10 Uses of the Fractional laser:
1-Rejuvenate the skin and remove the damaged skin full of defects.
2-Treatment of the annoying acne scars.
3-Treatment of scars, whether due to surgery or the result of faulty treatment of acne.
4-Treatment of sunburn due to direct exposure to sunlight for long periods.
5-Treatment of simple wrinkles of the skin.
6-Treatment of the pregnancy freckle (or the Mask of pregnancy) which sometimes happens to the pregnant as a brown spots on the skin.
7-Treatment of skin pigmentation.
8-Treatment of face spots.
9-Uni-toning of skin.
10-Treatment of skin cracks.

What are the types of Fractional laser?
1-Fractional Laser: It is used for younger people whose skin is characterised by the vitality of cells and their ability to divide and regenerate.
2-Fractional CO2 laser: It is the most updated and the more efficient type, where it reaches deeper layers of the skin and stimulates it to produce collagen responsible for the freshness of the skin. It can also treat deep scars and wrinkles that can not be accessed by the normal laser.

How is the Fractional laser done?
1-In the beginning, we would like to alert the importance of stopping any medications that affect blood viscosity such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, at least two weeks before the procedure.
2-You should discuss with your doctor, the expected results of the procedure and if the procedure is appropriate for your case or not.
3-The session begins with the placement of an anesthetic cream on the areas to be treated, then a mask of the eye.
4-Fractional laser rays are applied on the places to be treated.

5 Tips after treatment with fractional laser:
1-Some mild pain or tingling may occur after the procedure. Also some slight swelling and redness that disappears within days.
2-Tagmeel Clinic recommends applying some cold compresses on the treated areas to reduce swelling and redness.
3-Any other skin treatment or simultaneous peeling sessions should be discontinued with the fractional laser sessions.
4-The result appears immediately after the first session, but the final result and the final look of the skin is evident after the sessions end.
5-Avoid direct exposure to sunlight in the first days after the session, taking care to apply sunscreen cream when exiting.

How many laser sessions do I need?
You will need between 3-5 sessions with a month between the session and the other. The number of sessions varies depending on the condition of the skin, its type and the defects it suffers from.

How long does the laser sessions last?
The effect of the laser sessions lasts for long periods, but the duration varies from one case to another depending on:
1-The genetic condition of the patient skin and how fast the skin age.
2-The extent of the patient’s care to her skin and protection from sun exposure and various harmful environmental factors.

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